Rita: This week we will interview a member of the Oraspighi. The Oraspighi were a race the former galactic rulers passed over in favor of us, the descendants of the Earthlings who joined the Compire more than 2200 years ago. What is your designation, Oraspighi?
Zdravstweetye: I am called Zdravstweetye: among the members of my own race.
Rita: So you are a separate species from us humans?
Zdravstweetye: I am just as human as you are, ma’am. The Ones Who Ruled had a very broad definition of human.
Rita: I am sorry if I’ve offended you, sir.
Zdravstweetye: It’s all right. I’m used to it. In all truth, you offend me just by existing, just by being a member of the accursed Earthlings. But the Ones Who Ruled created you, so I suppose I should accept that they preferred you above all the others.
Rita: You still seem so bitter over something which happened so long ago.
Zdravstweetye: I carry the rare memory in my genes.
Rita: You’re all little guys, aren’t you? You must have a tough time in the supermarket, reaching things down from the upper shelves.
Zdravstweetye: Not so. I can levitate at any height I choose. (floats up to look down on Rita.) See?
Rita: Yes, I see.
Zdravstweetye: (shape shifts to become a twin of Rita) I can also shape shift. Long ago one of us took the shape of a serpent in order that we might show your essential iniquity to the OWR, and demonstrate how unsuitable you are for galactic rulership, but they tricked us, and said this experience made you even more suitable for rulership, because you were now wise and knowledgeable.
Rita: You can return to being the little orange guy now. I get your point.
Zdravstweetye: If you exist long enough without blowing yourselves out of existence, your race will evolve to the point where it can do these things too.
Rita: As an individual, besides shape shifting, what hobbies or pastimes do you have?
Zdravstweetye: Creating havoc and mischief among the human race is my favorite pastime. Can you imagine the sheer power that involves?
Rita: I can think of a couple of figures in human Earthling mythology who you resemble. One is Loki, the Trickster from Norse mythology, and the other is Satan, a Judeo-Christian thoughtform.
Zdravstweetye: One or another of us has played those roles at one time or another.
Rita: Another, from the Plains Native American mythos is Coyote, and still another is Crow or Raven. Tricksters seem to abound all over Earthling mythology, and you’re trying to tell me and my readers that they were all members of your race in various guises?
Zdravstweetye: Yep, they were.
Rita: Hope you’re having a Happy Thanksgiving in the USA. Next week, who knows what I’ll do?